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Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Emerge-Hair-Care and Tire Center
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The Vintage Laundry Holiday Bizarre and Open House was a huge success! The event gave me the chance to see old friends and make a lot of new ones. Thank you to everyone who attended and participated - you are all greatly appreciated!
One last bit of business before I spin a yarn I'd like to share concerning my failure to announce Day 5's prize and the winner of Day 4 in our Vintage Laundry 5 Day Giveaway. The winner of day 4 was Kate Rowe. Congratulations Kate, you're the winner of the hotel silver creamer! Our final day of the 5 Day Giveaway is a 20% discount on any merchandise in store or online.
Now to spin that yarn . . . . .
To celebrate the triumph of our Bizarre and Open House, I came down with a stomach virus or the flu, or something equally as dreadful. And, if you're gonna go and get yourself a really nasty ailment, it's always best to do it at 2 o'clock in the morning after all of the reputable medical facilities have closed their doors for the night. That way you can be forced to seek help at the Emerge-Hair-Care and Tire Center located at the corner of A Hoot and A Holler.
As the Hubbs and I waited to be seen by the Dr./Vet/Nail-tech, we were privileged to hear some of the most colorful and interesting conversations.
For instance, to the left of us sat a delicate little old grey-haired lady about the size of a Triscuit who, clearly using her outside-voice, complained about her hemorrhoids. She said and I quote, "'They' tha size a throw pillows . . . . Those 'big-uns' from the Mart!"
Another fellow to our right who was sitting next to a young man who had his foot propped up on the chair beside him with his foot wrapped in a couple of terry cloth towels confessed that, ". . . . My brother shot 'his-self' in the foot on account a he's a dumb ass!" Don't you just love how this season makes those family ties stronger while bringing out those loving sentiment between siblings? Kinda makes you all gushy and warm inside doesn't it?
Trust me, I know about gushy and warm . . . and insides!
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Image courtesy The Healthy Home Economist
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Friday, December 9, 2011
Day 4: Hotel Silver and the Winner of Day 3
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And the winner of one of your choice of three Vera Neumann scarves is . . . . . . Insert Drum roll . . . . . . Scott Lindberg!
Congratulations, Scott, and thanks for participating and supporting The Vintage Laundry!
Today we move on to day four of The Vintage Laundry Holiday Bizarre Five-day Gift Giveaway! And just as before, all you have to do is "like" this post on our Facebook page and you're entered to win the item! Today's item is a piece of hotel silver. It's a cream pitcher with that lovely patina that only hotel silver has. It would make for a great starter piece to begin a hotel silver collection or perfect for that silver aficionado on your Christmas list!
Happy clicking!
Winners will be announced on the blog and Facebook page each day following a giveaway post.
Don't for get to get your tickets for tonight's Preview Party here and register for discounts for the free days at The Vintage Laundry Open House this Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 10th and 11th here!
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Thursday, December 8, 2011
Day Three of Our Holiday Bizarre Giveaway
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And the winner of the set of 3 silver plated frames is . . . . . . Insert Drum roll . . . . . . Bettielou Lane!
Congratulations, Bettielou, and thanks for participating and supporting The Vintage Laundry!
So, we move on to three of The Vintage Laundry Holiday Bizarre Five-day Gift Giveaway! And just as before, all you have to do is "like" this post on our Facebook page and you're entered to win the item! Today's item is your choice of one of these three signed Vera scarves. Vera Neumann was an American textile artist and entrepreneur best known for her boldly colored linen patterns and scarves signed simply with her name "Vera." They are all marvelously vibrant and happy- perfect to give as a gift or to add to your own personal arsenal of winter accessories!
Happy clicking!
Winners will be announced on the blog and Facebook page each day following a giveaway post.
Don't for get to get your tickets for the Dec. 9th Preview Party here and register for discounts for the free days at The Vintage Laundry Open House on Dec. 10th & 11th here!
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tell 'em What They've Won Bob . . . .
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And the winner of the set of 12 vintage napkins is . . . . . . Insert Drum roll . . . . . . JoAnn Jackson Garnto!
Congratulations, JoAnna, and thanks for participating!
So, we move on to day two of The Vintage Laundry Holiday Bizarre Five-day Gift Giveaway! And just as before, all you have to do is "like" this post on our Facebook page and you're entered to win the item! Today's item is a set of three petite silver-plated frames. The set is a mixture of different designs and sizes. They are all polished and styled with a black and white photo within - perfect to give as a gift or use to display your babies, grandbabies, nieces, nephews . . . . .Well, you get the picture . . . . get it? PICTURE - yeah, I sleigh me . . . get it? . . . I typed SLEIGH, instead of SLAY . . . . . cuz, it's Christmas time . . . and there's Santa . . . .OK, enough!
Happy clicking!
Winners will be announced on the blog and Facebook page each day following a giveaway post.
Don't for get to get your tickets for the Dec. 9th Preview Party here and register for discounts for the free days at The Vintage Laundry Open House on Dec. 10th & 11th here!
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Monday, December 5, 2011
The Vintage Laundry Holiday Bizarre Gift Giveaway!
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Tis' the season for giving, so, today is day one of The Vintage Laundry Holiday Bizarre Five-day Gift Giveaway! Just "like" this post on our Facebook page and you're entered to win the item! Today's item is a set of 12 vintage Damask napkins. The set is a mixture of different Damask designs and have hand-stitched hems and measure 24" square. They are all laundered and pressed - perfect to give as a gift or use on your holiday table - happy clicking!
Winners will be announced on the blog and Facebook page each day following a giveaway post.
Don't for get to get your tickets for the Dec. 9th Preview Party here and register for discounts for the free days at The Vintage Laundry Open House on Dec. 10th & 11th here!
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I'll Take Things That Are Magical for $200, Alex
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Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.
WOW! This video is breathtaking and as my friend Victoria over at SFgirlbybay says, ". . it is pretty magical." This has made the rounds on the internet so, you may have seen it already. But, if you haven't, you've got to take a look!
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Sunday, November 13, 2011
Get First Dibs
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'Tis the season for parties and presents. At The Vintage Laundry we're
going along with the joke and have planned, along with some of our
favorite vintage vendors, a shindig to beat all shindigs. We're calling
it The Vintage Laundry Bizarre Holiday Pop-Up & Open House. If you should like to join our stable of marvelous vendors, you can fill out an on-line application here. We will review your submission and get back to within 24 hours with approval and a link to pay for your booth.
Yeah, we know, we used the wrong spelling - but, we mean both a "bazaar" as in a shop or market while at the same time meaning "bizarre", as in odd or unusual. We ARE in Austin and we have an obligation to keep things weird, right?!
feature tons of vendors selling vintage linens, decor, furniture,
clothing, housewares, art and up-cycled items and accessories, plus awesome holiday gift ideas for
everyone on your list!
Preview Party
Friday, December 2, 2011
6pm - 9pm - $15 (Ticket gets you complimentary goodies, one drink ticket, and first dibs!) You can purchase tickets here.
Regular Bizarre Shopping Hours:
Saturday & Sunday, December 3 & 4, 2011
9am - 5pm
3406 Glenview, behind the Burger King on 35th Street
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Preview Party
Friday, December 2, 2011
6pm - 9pm - $15 (Ticket gets you complimentary goodies, one drink ticket, and first dibs!) You can purchase tickets here.
Regular Bizarre Shopping Hours:
Saturday & Sunday, December 3 & 4, 2011
9am - 5pm
3406 Glenview, behind the Burger King on 35th Street
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Say Four Hail Marys and a No You Di-ent!
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I will start by telling you that my entire existence can be summed up by one experience. And that is: You know how you walk into a room and as soon as you enter said room you can't remember why you're there? . . . . . THIS is everyday of my life. Well actually my life is more like a cocktail of that feeling and the cold sweat and the full-body paralysis you experience when you drive past a police officer going 50 mph when the speed limit is 35 mph. Basically, I wake every morning feeling like I've shown up without my homework, . . . . late, . . . . . . naked, . . . . most likely having burst into flames on my way there.
You know those driven, ultra-organized, over-achiever-type creatures who can do that multi-task thing? . . . . I'm the opposite, other kind of creature. The thing that blows my mind (and there are quite a few, which explains how little of it I have left) is how I'm the hogger of all the ADD and loser-moments in my little family. I will get my "to do list" finished . . . . eventually, but there might be a few mishaps along the way. Which brings me to a couple of funny stories that I wanted to share.
The first is a funny thing that happened on the way to an Etsy post. Last Saturday I received an email from an Etsy friend. She graciously complimented the piece I had listed and then mentioned a typo that existed that gave her a laugh, but was sure it was not what I had intended.
At the bottom of my furniture posts I put a little shpiel mentioning that due to the furniture's size, the piece requires a quote for shipping and instructions to e-mail or call me prior to purchasing. Well, where it would normally read "because of it's size" I had mistyped "because of tits size" . . . . . Gives a hole new meaning to "flat-rate," huh?!
My second flail occurred as the Hubbs, the kids, and I were shopping around in a local Catholic thrift store that we frequent. The store is run by the nuns - with the hats . . . . just like in The Sound of Music and everything! So, I find some goodies and take them up to the cash register and visit with the lovely sister about my purchases, when for some reason, feel the need to tell her that my husband is Catholic ( which is true). I continue by saying, "So, I guess that makes me a little Catholic by association (which I'm pretty sure is totally not true.) I do this . . . . I babel on and on in front of nuns, priests, ministers, pretty much all clergy types make me rattle on endlessly. Finally she hands me my receipt and says, "Have a blessed day," to which I would normally respond, "You as well" or "You also." Only this time I had a "typo" of the mouth. Instead of saying, "You as well or you also," I rearranged some letters, or my teeth got in the way of my tongue or something and I say, "You asshole" . . . . to a nun . . . in a Catholic thrift store . . . . . while my husband, children, and the parish priest stand staring at me with the most interesting looks on their faces. One enormously pregnant pause later, the nun looks at me, then to the priest and my family, and then back to me and says, " Oh no you di-ent!"
It's official, I'm going to hell . . .
Photo courtesy Fanpop
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Friday, October 21, 2011
City Wide Weekend!
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I always get excited at the prospect of selling and shopping at City Wide Garage Sale, on account that it's the most fantastically amazing thing ever created.
Whenever I started shopping and then eventually selling at the City Wide, I felt a little bit like Markie Post or Meredith Baxter Birney in one of those Lifetime movies about the perils of addiction - "Unraveled: The LeAnn Stephenson Story" - in which I rob from the kids' chore money and pawn my pancreas to get one more shopping fix.
The way I figure it, everyone has a vice of some sort or another. I probably will never have a drug addiction, or gamble my inheritance away, or take up a smoking habit in which I smoke so much that I spontaneously combust.
My vice is vintage and antique shopping.
The first time I experienced this particular show, my eyes immediately caught fire and my heart raced when I saw booth after booth of vintage goodies awaiting me. In my opinion it's the finest example of vintage shopping porn in central Texas. I recall having to catch my breath, sit down, and put my head between my knees so I wouldn't pass out the first time I visited.
I always find amazingly groovy junk, I mean treasures, from the many vendors at City Wide. And because I had specific request from a faithful stalker, I mean reader, I want to show you some of the goodies I picked up at this fall's Antique's Week that I plan on bringing to this weekend's sale.
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Lots of beautiful needlepoint . . . .
. . . . . tons of new vintage frocks . . . .
. . . . . rainbow colors of vintage crystal inventory . . . .
. . . . . and of course piles of vintage textiles, napkins and damask tablecloths.
The sale is at the Palmer Events Center here in Austin. I'll be set up near the red skirted info desk. There is a $7 charge to park in the garage or there is a free parking lot at One Texas Center on the Southwest corner of So. First and Barton Springs Road, as well.
Saturday morning between 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m., City Wide offers early shopper passes for $10 each. This allows those who so choose to have early access to the show and get first dibs on vendors' merchandise before the general admission customers enter at 10 a.m.
I hope you get a chance to come and see me, cuz I have some really marvelous goodies this show!
Have a great weekend and I'll see every back here Monday!
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Thursday, October 20, 2011
I Don't Think That's a Thing: Dude!
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OK, so, I have a story . . . . Not just any story . . . . . But an "I Don't Think That's a Thing" story. And I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to the eighty-something year old little lady that was an essential part of making my day last Friday.
To begin with, I should share some pertinent information prior to relaying the details of the story. Just a few blocks from my house is this great car wash that will wash and dry your car by hand while you wait out on a patio and lounge in one those humongous cedar rocking chairs and watch them detail everything on your car, down to buffing the rims of your tires and hubcaps.
"Well, . . . . I don't know what to tell you, that's what the guy said," the lady sitting next to me hissed defensively into her cell phone. "Yeah," she continued "a 'HAND JOB' . . . . a-a-a-a-and he even said he'd throw in a 'RIM JOB' for free since it was Senior Day!"
I decided at that point that it would be an opportune time to put on my sunglasses and turn my head so that she wouldn't see me bite my bottom lip in an effort not to laugh. As I turned, I caught a glimpse of the little high school guy sitting on the other side of me. His jaw had dropped and his gaze was fixed on the little old lady - he leaned slightly my direction, without taking his eyes off the lady and loudly whispered, "Dude! I can't wait to get old!"
Image courtesy IMDB, Alcon Entertainment and Twentieth Century Fox
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Monday, October 17, 2011
Simply Brilliant: Hoxton Street Monster Supplies
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I had to post about this amazing establishment in London called Hoxton Street Monster Supplies, and their work through The Ministry of Stories. Being this close to Halloween I also couldn't resist posting some of these images!
The Ministry of Stories was founded by Nick Hornby and co-directors Lucy Macnab and Ben Payne. Hidden away at the back of The Monster Shop, the Ministry of Stories provides a free space for young people to write. Mentoring is provided by volunteers, local writers, artists and teachers, all giving their time and talent for free.
The aim of the The Ministry of Stories is to inspire young people and to help transform their lives through writing. They believe that unleashing a young person's imagination can build confidence and self-respect. All forms of writing are encouraged - from song lyrics to play scripts, screenplays to journalism, blogging to games, poems to graphic novels. In short, they strives to inspire a nation of storytellers.
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Photos courtesy The Ministry of Stories, Hoxton Street Monster Supplies and Mark Wu
The Ministry of Stories was founded by Nick Hornby and co-directors Lucy Macnab and Ben Payne. Hidden away at the back of The Monster Shop, the Ministry of Stories provides a free space for young people to write. Mentoring is provided by volunteers, local writers, artists and teachers, all giving their time and talent for free.
The aim of the The Ministry of Stories is to inspire young people and to help transform their lives through writing. They believe that unleashing a young person's imagination can build confidence and self-respect. All forms of writing are encouraged - from song lyrics to play scripts, screenplays to journalism, blogging to games, poems to graphic novels. In short, they strives to inspire a nation of storytellers.
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Love these rules written on the front doors! |
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Too funny! |
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Update on The Vintage Laundress
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Under the cover of night, The Vintage Laundress ran away from her shop in Austin and is now hold up under a circus-type tent at The Texas Rose Antique Show during Antiques Week. She loves treasure hunting in overstuffed markets like this one and is under the impression that she has a lot of self-control when it comes to purchasing vintage goodies and that she looks good in skinny jeans (sadly, neither is true.) Amazingly this is her tenth year to participate in this event. The show began Saturday, September 24th, and will run through Saturday, October 1, 2011.
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Friday, August 12, 2011
Simply Brilliant: Vintage Scarf Dress
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A dear friend sent me this thinking that I might like it . . . . . Uhm . . . yeah!!!
Now if I only had $3450.00 and that model's body.
Photos courtesy Comme Des Garcons
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Madam Secretary
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At The Vintage Laundry we believe in being aggressively pink and this marvelous Louis XV Style Secretary/Roll Top Desk meets our manifesto.
It would be just the thing for "A Room of One's Own." I'm thinking Virginia Woolf herself would have put this secretary on her wish list! It has 3 small drawers above the interior cubbies and one large drawer below the writing surface. Patina-d brass drawer pulls and a retractable roll top all perched on 4 elegant cabriole legs. Painted a glossy black with The Vintage Laundry signature pink covering the interiors of all of the drawers and the cubbies.
Check it out in our new bricks and mortar store, on our site or our Etsy. And don't forget our 20% Off promotion we have on our entire inventory. Offer valid through August 10, 2011.
Don't forget to like our Facebook fan page and join our mailing list to receive coupons and other info about events, workshops, book signings, etc.
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Thursday, July 28, 2011
You Can Do It!
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Are you familiar with that saying, "Taking the world by storm?" Well, that's what I had imagined would happen when I officially opened the doors of The Vintage Laundry shop last week. Well . . . it seems that storm I was anticipating has been downgraded by weather experts to the equivalent of having someone spit out of their car window as they drive past my shop.
We opened our doors on Tuesday, July 19, 2011, at 11:00 A.M. and were an instant hit - like meatloaf at a vegan potluck or the Santa Dreidel. We brought a spoon to a knife fight, basically.
We were not a hit.
But yesterday was a different day because we had customers who must have seen something of value in my quirky little shop (20% off coupon) because they decided for some reason (20% off coupon) to come in and shop and make actual purchases. "This is it," I thought. "Here comes my storm!" I don't know why I'm so confident (20% off coupon,) I just am. So, I'll just keep on keepin' on in my usual overwhelmed state, reacting to these little traffic hiccups with grace (20% off coupon) and optimism (larger discounts coming soon.)
Like our Facebook fan page or join our mailing list to receive your coupons and other info about events, workshops, book signings, etc.
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Friday, July 22, 2011
First Liar Doesn't Have a Chance
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"You name it."
These are the three words that leave my mouth when the subject of what I carry in the shop arises. Which it does, and quite often, and not without a twinge of self-promotion and most often with a little competitiveness thrown in for good measure. I find myself thinking, when listening to what a customer collects, "I'll see your salt and pepper collection and raise you a mess of printed tablecloths from the 1950s. I'll see your Eames lounge and ottoman and raise you a Louis XV armchair. And I'll see your Vera Neumann scarves and buy 'em." These conversations have no end and no goal, and frankly I have no idea why I carry on so, except maybe I'm just one more vintage find away from starring in the next episode of A&E's Hoarders . . . . check your TV listings, I may already be there.
From the moment that I caught the vintage bug until today, I have lived by the philosophy that it is better to have dumpstered and dived than never to have dumpstered at all. I have acted as host and restorer to just about every vintage item I could squeeze through the front door.
The other day my son began to question a new friends long term viability, noting that he lived in a house with his mom and dad and no old stuff.
"Not even any vintage knickknacks!"
"Not even," he says like his parents were unfit and smoking crack for lunch.
"But how does that work, exactly?" he asked.
"I don't know, I guess their family just likes a minimal look to their home." I try to explain.
"Sounds awful." he says.
So, apparently it's genetic.
I can't think of a smooth segue from there to photos of the shop. So, here they are, the "can't-get-no-minimal" shop photos. Oh! . . . . and don't forget to join The Vintage Laundry on Yelp, Foursquare and check in when you visit and receive a discount on any purchase or you can join us on our Facebook fan page or follow my Tweets to get updates on new merchandise, deals, invitations to exclusive events, workshops and lots more. Special grand opening specials begin next week and you don't want to miss out!!
Comes see our collection of vintage china, crystal and silver . . .
. . . or peruse our vintage chandeliers . . .
. . . or linger in our vintage clothing room . . .
. . . . and don't forget about our Grey Gardens Collection, where you can customize and furniture purchase with paint and upholstery of your choosing . . .
. . . or maybe you have a wedding, dinner party or event that you're planning . . . . check out our vintage rental inventory . . . .
. . . and of course there is always our vintage textiles and linens to Ooooh and Aaah over!
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Epic Facepalm: A Celebration of Fogetting and Frustration
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If you are unfamiliar with the word facepalm let me explain . . . . According to the Urban Dictionary, a facepalm is the act of dropping one's face or forehead into one's hand. Usually accompanied by a
"thunk" or a cry of "Doh!" As in: Today I locked my keys in my car. Again. *facepalm*
Well, unfortunately, I'm all too familiar with this experience as you will gather from the following story:
Things have been slipping my mind for years - at least since I was twenty-eight. I know this because the year I celebrated my twentieth-eighth birthday was the year I was pregnant with my daughter, Olivia. I can even prove it, because after her birth was when I started forgetting the names of people and words - they would just slip away without warning. This marked the time when I had to begin scrolling through my mental dictionary, trying to guesstimate what letter the word or name I was frantically searching for began with. Sometimes I even tried to figure out how many syllables were involved to speed the process. When this first began, the lost name, word, or thought would drift back into my head, recovered, kind of quickly.
But here's the thing: it's gotten worse in the past few years. And now if my daughter, with her talent for remembering everyone's name or my son and husband with their ability to play charades with me aren't close by, I have to fake it. Olivia can actually gather that I'm trying to remember Tina Fey's name when I gesture with my hand in a certain way and Noah and the Hubbs can tell me the name I'm looking for is Julie Andrews when I say, "You know . . . she's that chick that sings on
the mountain in that movie and makes matching clothes for that guy's kids out of the family curtains . . . . and there's nuns . . .?"
I try to comfort myself by insisting I'm too young for dementia to be setting in and that it's not so much a "Senior moment" as it's a Freshman or Sophomore moment, instead.
But here's my point: My forgetting has taken on a new slant. Now I can't remember if I've shared important information or not.
So, just in case I forgot to mention it . . . . . .
We will be closed Sundays and Mondays and open from 11PM - 7 PM Tuesday through Saturday. The address is 3406 Glenview, Austin Tx, 78703. You can join The Vintage Laundry on Yelp, Foursquare and check in when you visit and receive a discount on any purchase or you can join us on our Facebook fan page or follow my tweets to get updates on new merchandise, deals, invitations to exclusive events, workshops and lots more. Also in the works is The Vintage Laundry TV on our YouTube channel that I'm really excited about!!! More on that later. I can't wait to share more info and photos! So, check the blog in the next couple of days to take advantage of all of the goodies that we have planned to celebrate our new store opening!
See you soon,
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Monday, July 4, 2011
So's Your Mom
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Something funky is going on in the world of women's underwear . . . . Well, at least in THIS woman's world. Don't freak out, I'm not about to over-share or anything, it's just you know how they say that you should always be sure to wear clean underwear just in case you're in a car accident and have to be taken to the hospital? Well, I have a story to tell you and it's kinda like that . . . kinda.
Until Monday night, last week was shaping up to be marvelously productive. All day long the kids and I had been zooming around from one task to another, like protons spinning out of control (I may have the science wrong there) when all of a sudden, I had a complete and total nuclear melt down.
For the past month the whole family has been working in the shop trying to prepare for its opening by painting walls, chairs, etc., hanging chandeliers and mirrors, polishing silver, and pricing merchandise. Monday had been particularly great because it seemed that we were at "full steam" and getting all matter of things accomplished.
And if that wasn't magnificent enough, many, many Diet Dr. Peppers were involved.
So I was working on putting a couple of metal contraptions on the back of a rather large mirror that needed hanging, when it happened. I was sitting on the floor power-drill in hand just about to make my first pilot hole in the template that came with it when my hand slipped, making a lovely pilot hole in my left thumb, instead. I quickly reversed the drill and removed the bit from my thumb and then debated upon which to do first . . . vomit or spout a creative stream of obscenities. Turns out there was a third option which was to burst into inconsolable sobbing - complete with lakes of tears and snot and lots of snubbing just for effect. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't being a complete wussy for nothing, this puncture ranks as one of my more severe injuries. I mean, when I held it up to the light I could actually see all the way through to the other side. And there was blood - lots of blood - like in that episode of SNL where Dan Akroyd, dressed as Julia Childs, has just cut his finger and is spurting blood everywhere. My children quickly grabbed the roll of paper towels and crafted a mighty fine bandage consisting of about twenty-seven sheets of Brawny held together by 2-inch blue painter's tape while the Hubbs located his keys so that we could dash off to the emergency room.
As we ran into the emergency room I became immediately aware that something was wrong, I mean other than my perforated thumb. I was getting some interesting looks from everyone in the waiting room, which prompted me to turn to the Hubbs and ask, while I tilted my head back and pulled my upper lip over my front teeth, "Do I have a bugger?" or, as I looked down at my pants, "Is my fly open?" Turns out neither was the case so, I just smiled and stared back at my audience. The second time I was aware that something was amiss was when the handsome young male nurse led me back to the examination room.
I need to interrupt the story here to share a couple of things about my appearance. When I dress to go to the shop and paint and sweat and move furniture and sweat and sweat some more, I don't take a lot of care in my appearance - I typically choose a pair of Nike running shorts with one of my husband's "seen-better-days" t-shirts and a tragic looking pair of pink flip flops. My attire says, "When I'm not in prison, I enjoy a day of looking homeless." So, just in case I have to go out in public, each morning I grab a change of clothes from the fresh from the dryer pile that is currently residing on my sofa, clothes that I quickly changed into before heading off to the emergency room.
Okay, so I'm there with the handsome nurse asking me all the usual questions, "How current is your tetanus? . . . . yadda, yadda, yadda. when I notice that he keeps looking at my chest or rather right below and to the side of my chest. So, the next time he turns to write on his clipboard I take a quick look at my shirt . . . . . and there "it" is . . . . containing enough static cling to start a small electrical fire . . . . a pair of my underwear stuck to the side of my T-shirt.
As he turns from his clipboard I ask, "Why didn't you tell me I had underwear stuck to my shirt?"
"That's just how I roll. It's nice underwear though - my mom has the same kind." he says.
"Oh, your mom?" is what I said, but this is what I thought:
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Friday, June 24, 2011
Girl Friday: Hammer Time
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Right after my fifteenth birthday, my dad strongly suggested I get a summer job. And by "strongly suggested" I mean every morning, while we were at the kitchen table, he'd stare at me for several moments - kinda blankly, but in a "summing-me-up" kinda way, and then shout over his right shoulder, "This kid needs a job!" I'm not completely sure who he was talking to because it was just the two of us in the kitchen, but he had a point. I mean I hadn't taken any steps toward my dream of becoming a millionaire or a rock star, so it was obvious that I needed a little nudge in the career department. My Mom was a vocational director at the high school where she worked and suggested that I enroll in the vocational program at my high school. I did and was placed at a beautiful china shop called The Brownie Shoppe. A lady named Boots (I have no idea what her real name was, this was her nickname) was my manager and I loved her to pieces. She taught me a lot about the world of work and tutored me in the manner in which to conduct myself while at work. Plus, she talked me through some occasional teenage angst and like to take soft-serve yogurt breaks!
So, I tell you all of that to tell you this - this summer I'm doing my best impersonation of Boots. And by that I mean that I have hired my children to help me get the shop ready for opening day and then requested that they continue on as sales staff for the few weeks before they are off to camp at the end of July. I'm not sure if I have given them any valuable information to take with them on to future jobs but I have learned a little something about myself - I have quite a healthy "micro-manager" streak developing - and I'm sure if you were to ask them, they would say that it's actually a fully developed "micro-manager" streak!
So my kids have become my full-time, on-location carpenters slash painters slash electricians slash plumbers slash landscape experts. Needless to say neither one of them had previously done a lot of this kind of work, so there has been quite a bit of on the job training. The other day I was perched on a ladder changing out the gawd-awful florescent lights that came with the space to something a little more attractive when I had this interaction with my kids:
ME: Okay, lets see . . . Oh, it looks like I need a different screwdriver than the one that I brought up here with me . . . could one of you go fetch me a Phillips? The tool box is in the bathroom . . .
NOAH: Right . . . I'll go get it . . .
OLIVIA: . . . (smiles and let's out a sigh and kinda sways from her heels to her toes as she swings her arms out in front of her and then to the back of her)
ME: . . . . . . wait, wait and wait some more . . . .
NOAH: I don't see it anywhere. . . . . . . What IS a Phillips?
OLIVIA: (with a facial expression I'll never forget, like she was amused and tickled and overwhelmed all at the same time said this) You named your screwdriver? . . . . how sweet! . . . . What's the hammer's name?
And after that I got nothin' . . . . except to say that my children and the Hubbs have worked the booties off along side me and I love them to pieces and thank them more than words can say!!
So below are a few photos of my children becoming familiar with the tools of their mother's trade and a glimpse or two into the decor choices for the shop.
Color inspiration photo courtesy Boden
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011
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I admit it. I flunk blogging. I'm inconsistent and I take loooooooong breaks in between posts.
But today, I have news . . . BIG news!
If my blog were one of those 24-hour news channels like CNN or MSNBC, it would be running an endless loop of white banners at the bottom of your computer screen with phrases like VINTAGE LAUNDRESS SIGNS LEASE and LAUNDRESS TO REOPEN BRICKS AND MORTAR SHOP. And, under the white banners would be "the crawl," - you know the endless moving line of script that reports the steps that I have taken over the last several weeks to prepare for opening day, from the paint colors that I have chosen to cover the walls of the store, to the number of friends, family and even customers that have come out of the woodwork to help get this venture up and running, to how much paint I find in my hair, under my fingernails, and on every single t-shirt and pair of shorts that I own on a daily basis. I might even resort to using one of the most oversold phrases on the planet and slap a bright red banner that reads "BREAKING NEWS" across my blog header just for funzies.
All of which you might think a little excessive, but I'm really excited about reopening the shop and want to share the details. I mean, you have to admit, it's not like my BREAKING NEWS is something obvious like; BREAKING NEWS: NUNS DON'T CUSS or BREAKING NEWS: IT'S GOOD TO HAVE EARS.
So, back to my point (and I've buried my lead as usual);
Below are a few photos of the shop before I got my hands and paint on it. Thursday and Friday I will share "after" photos and supply the "what", "when" and "where" details of the grand opening.
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