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Friday, February 5, 2010

Play Like I'm Sally Fields

I need to ask you to suspend reality for just a moment and play like I'm Sally Field and I'm making a really earnest acceptance speech at the Academy Awards show.....

Are you there?


Okay, how 'bout if you imagine I'm on a float in the "The Little Miss Colorado River and Surrounding Tributaries" parade waving like a true festival queen . . . . ya know - elbow, elbow, wrist, wrist, elbow, elbow, while simultaneously trying to retrieve my beauty queen one-piece swimsuit out of my. . . .  uhm . . . . err . . . . crown jewels.

Okay . . . now you're there . . . aren't 'cha?

So, YAY! The winners of The People's Choice Awards were posted today on Poppytalk and I won 'Favourite Vintage Shop!!!' Thanks to everyone who voted.  You are all the most marvelous creatures on the planet and I'm sending lots and lots of gushy affection in everyone's general direction!

Photo courtesy Lisa Kettel

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Mick said...

"We Like you! We really, REALLY like you!" :)