I had to post about this amazing establishment in London called
Hoxton Street Monster Supplies, and their work through
The Ministry of Stories. Being this close to Halloween I also couldn't resist posting some of these images!
The Ministry of Stories was founded by Nick Hornby and co-directors Lucy Macnab and Ben Payne. Hidden away at the back of The Monster Shop, the Ministry of Stories provides a free space for young people to write. Mentoring is provided by volunteers, local writers, artists and teachers, all giving their time and talent for free.
The aim of the The Ministry of Stories is to inspire young people and to help transform their lives through writing. They believe that unleashing a young person's imagination can build confidence and self-respect. All forms of writing are encouraged - from song lyrics to play scripts, screenplays to journalism, blogging to games, poems to graphic novels. In short, they strives to inspire a nation of storytellers.
| Love these rules written on the front doors! |
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Photos courtesy
The Ministry of Stories,
Hoxton Street Monster Supplies and
Mark Wu
Aaaah! Love it! It's just like 826 Valencia (Dave Egger's project in San Francisco) - http://www.826valencia.org/store/...
but for monsters instead of pirates. So awesome.
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