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Friday, June 15, 2012

Chew On My Glove?

Interesting phone conversation with the Hubbs:

THE HUBBS: Hi my love! What 'cha doin'?  

ME: Who is this?! And how did you get this number?!  

THE HUBS: Umm . . . . what?

 ME: ... Scott? . . . . Oh, I couldn't tell that it was you . . . . I thought you were some pervert saying you were going to chew on my glove . . . . or maybe watch a glove shoved on a dove or . . .

 THE HUBBS: Okay, okay . . . . I get it . . . . WOW, there's something really not right about you, huh?!  

ME: This is what I've been trying to tell you for years.  

THE HUBBS: Why aren't you home yet?  

ME: Because I'm lost in the maze of crap merchandise in the store. And I have the strangest feeling that I'm about to be eaten . . . . . by my own inventory.  

THE HUBBS: Well, of course you do.

 ME: I think I better do City Wide this weekend and have a "$5 Finds For All Kinds" Sale.  

THE HUBBS: Like the $5 Footlong at Subway . . . . clever.  

ME: Yeah, like that . . . . except without the deli-meats and and the plastic gloves.

THE HUBBS: I'm thinkin' this is the weirdest phone conversation we've ever had.  

ME: Not. Even. Close.

The sale is at the Palmer Events Center here in Austin. I'll be set up behind the red skirted info desk. There is a $7 charge to park in the garage or there is a free parking lot at One Texas Center on the Southwest corner of So. First and Barton Springs Road, as well. Pick up a copy of this week's Austin Chronicle for a coupon for $1 off admission found on page 23.

Saturday morning between 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m., City Wide offers early shopper passes for $10 each. This allows those who so choose to have early access to the show and get first dibs on vendors' merchandise before the general admission customers enter at 10 a.m. I hope you get a chance to come and see me, cuz I have some really marvelous $5 goodies this show! Have a great weekend and I'll see every back here Monday!

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